Learn the Science Behind Persistent Weight Gain & Low Energy Levels
Are you a woman in your mid-30’s to mid-60’s, who despite regular exercise and a healthy diet, is still plagued by weight gain, fatigue, irregular appetite and a craving for carbs and sweets? You may be suffering from Syndrome W—a common metabolic disorder in which women experience normal blood sugar levels, but have elevated insulin levels. The “W” in Syndrome W stands for women, weight gain, waist gain, and white-coat hypertension (blood pressure that rises in a doctor’s office).
At the New Jersey Women’s Wellness Center, we understand the constant quest to reach and maintain a desired weight. After all, one of three American adults between ages 20 & 64 is overweight, and 36% of adult American women are trying to shed pounds. The unfortunate reality is that a majority of women eventually experience weight gain.
The process at New Jersey Women’s Wellness Center begins with a physician consultation followed by a metabolic evaluation including insulin resistance testing. We combine medical treatments, including medications if appropriate, holistic nutritional coaching and mind body balance through restorative yoga.
Weight Management
Our experts have worked with many women who continue to see weight gain despite regular exercise and healthy eating habits. However, there are a variety of factors that may possibly lead to weight gain beyond simple lifestyle. These include imbalances and sometimes metabolic or other disorders, which can be medically treated.
As such, we counsel our female patients on the best methods to maintain a healthy weight and lose those inches around the waist.
We combine medical treatments, careful evaluation and customized diet and exercise counseling tailored to each patient to help her meet her goals. We use the following techniques to get to the root of weight gain, and help resolve the issue:
- Insulin resistance testing
- Metabolic evaluations
- Weight loss plan development
- State of the art nutritional & lifestyle counseling
Learn to Manage Cravings
Most women in their mid-thirties to mid-sixties experience challenges maintaining their weight. Even those who exercise regularly and eat healthy find themselves gaining pounds and inches while experiencing fatigue, decreased energy levels, irregular appetite and cravings for sweets and carbs.
Dr. Parnes has helped hundreds of women regain control of their weight through a two-pronged program which incorporates a medical evaluation and nutritional counseling. The medical portion of the program includes Insulin Resistance Testing and Metabolic Evaluation. Once results are reviewed, Dr. Parnes may recommend medication and often suggests that her patients meet with Christine Okezie, Holistic Health Counselor, graduate of NYC’s Natural Gourmet Institute for Health and Culinary Arts and the Institute for Integrative Nutrition. Christine works closely with Dr. Parnes to develop an individualized dietary plan that includes easy delicious recipes, cooking skills and meal planning. See patient testimonials to see success stories and photos.
Rissa P was kind enough to let us use her before-and-after shots. You’ll agree she has reason to be proud!